
Blog Writing Rules

유아현 2021. 9. 10. 17:00

#1 Language


This blog is written in English or Korean.

For 'Research', 'Development', and 'Publications', posts are mostly written in English.

If the translation is needed, it is written under each paragraph in #9D9D9D font color.



#2 Text


Font type is set to 'NotoSerif'. All text alignment in the body is justified.

The font size is set to 'body1' bold for header and 'body2' for description.

Use capital letters for each words in title.

Bold is used for headers or to highlight important sentences.



#3 Lines


Headers always starts with '#'.

Space one line after every header and two lines after every description ends. 

Use short paragraphs as much as possible and do not exceed over the main box area.



#4 Images


Images for thumnail is required. Try to insert at least one image for each posts.

Space two lines before and after every images. 

Use capital letters for the first letter of every word for image caption.



Example of an Image



#5 Code and Files


Use code block for every code and use `filename` for file names. 

This is the example of code block


'Blog' 카테고리의 다른 글

Hello World!  (0) 2021.09.09