Research/Embedded System

Nordic Thingy:52 Hardware and Features

유아현 2021. 9. 20. 14:46

Thingy:52 is a compact multi-sensor prototyping platform built around nRF52832 Bluetooth 5 SoC.

You can find the product here



# Hardware


Thingy:52 contains nine-axis motion sensor with gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer; low-power accelerometer for wake up call during sleep mode; programmable button and LED; humidity, air pressure and temperature sensors; air quality and gas sensors; color sensors; speaker and microphone; battery; NFC; BLE; power switch; programming and debugging connector; and finally extended GPIO. 


In order to charge the battery, use USB connector and the power switch must be ON.





# Connection with mobile (Android)


Download Nordic Thingy:52 App here to interact with your thingy.


You can connect Thingy:52 device with your Android mobile phone.

iOS and web Bluetooth API app is also supported. 

Scan and select your Thingy. Configure your Thingy name and complete the connection.





# Key Features


Battery level is shown in the side menu bar. 

Check environment and motion sensor data, control UI, play with sounds and use cloud service. 

Set basic and advanced parameters from configuration.





# Environment


Current condition of temperature, pressure, humidity, CO2, VOC, and color sensor data is shown on the board. 

You can set the sampling interval of environment sensors from envrionment settings.

Live graph of temperature, pressure and humidity sensor is shown in the bottom section. 





# User Interface


You can control the LED color, intensity, delay and lighting pattern in UI board.

Button is in 'UNKNOWN' state when the Thingy is connected and the button is never pressed.

Button is in 'PRESSED' state when the button is pressed. 

Button is in 'RELEASED' state when the button is released.





# Motion


3D image of current Thingy motion is shown on the board.

Step counter, tap sensor, compass and orientation is included in motion sensor. 

Live graph of gravity vector is shown in the bottom.

The xyz-axis of Thingy is as shown in the last image. 





# Sound


You can stream mic sound from Thingy to mobile and vice versa. 

Press the piano keyboard to play different frequency sound.

Upload 8-bit PCM files to play the wav files.

Press the number keyboard to play 9 different sample sounds. 





# Cloud (IFTTT)


ITFFF (If This Then That) is a cloud service where you can connect your services together with Applets.

Applets are like mini, active apps you can create, including Twitter, Dropbox, Evernote, iRobot, Fitbit, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. 


Thingy:52 also supports IFTTT where you can program Applet to get Thingy event and send messages or save data in files. 



  • Create IFTTT account and Webhooks
  • Get your cloud token from user_url in Webhooks
  • Copy your cloud token and paste it in the Thingy app and change cloud token state to ON
  • Your Thingy data will be uploaded in IFTTT cloud